Back Pain


$199 / month; billed every 30 days

Service Includes

  • Appointments
    • 2 Chiropractor Appointments per month
    • Adjustments performed at each appointment
    • Each appointment is at least 40 minutes in length
  • Prescriptions written by Physician, if needed
  • Any combination of the following medications, up to 3 meds, mailed by Pill Pals Pharmacy to your home:
    • Compounded Cream, made in lab by the Pill Pals Team
    • Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
    • NSAID’s such as:
      • Lioresal (Baclofen)
      • Flexeril (Cyclobenzaprine)
      • Zanaflex (Tizanidine)
      • Robaxin (Methocarbamol)
      • Skelaxin (Metaxalone)
      • Aspirin
      • Ibuprofen
      • Naproxen
      • Meloxicam
      • Celecoxib
      • Diclofenac
      • Nabumetone
      • Indomethacin
      • Piroxicam
      • Ketorolac
      • Tolmetin
      • Sulindac
      • Oxaprozin
      • Ketoprofen
      • Salsalate
      • Etodolac
    • Opiates, such as:
      • Codeine
      • Tramadol
      • Hydrocodone
      • Morphine
      • Oxycodone
      • Hydromorphone
      • Methadone
      • Fentanyl

Due to the fact that Chiropractic adjustments, medications, and prescriptions, are provided as part of a bundle, all medications must be fulfilled by Pill Pals Pharmacy.

Controlled Substances are only written for patients who are seen in office, at the Chiropractor’s Clinic. 

All medications provided will be generic.

back pain chiro pals